I tell you what I want to tell you. is only the result of a brief thought. Just a memory and a dream. Not to be criticized and criticized, but only to be known.
God Bless You !!
( Lokasi Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Sampah Kota Kupang ) Sejauh mata memandang, hanya gunung sampah yg terlihat. Sampah merupakan salah satu masalah utama masyarakat Indonesia, sampai sekarang sampah belum tertangani secara benar-benar mencapaihasil yang maksimal. Pemerintah juga sudah mengeluarkan peraturan dalam Undang-Undang No. 18 Tahun 2008 tentang pengolahan sampah dan larangan bagi setiap orang untuk memasukkan sampah ke dalam wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, mengimpor sampah, mencampur sampah dengan limbah berbahaya dan beracun, mengelola sampah yang menyebabkan pencemaran dan/atau perusakan lingkungan, membuang sampah tidak pada tempat yang telah ditentukan dan disediakan, melakukan penanganan sampah dengan pembuangan terbuka di tempat pemrosesan akhir serta membakar sampah yang tidak sesuai dengan persyaratan teknis pengelolaan sampah. Namun realita yang terjadi aturan-aturan ini tidak banyak merubah keadaan. Pencemaran sungai dan laut akibat sampah yang ...
I don't know how to start talk about this. just little bit flashback about what allready happen on me in march 2023. It's so sick. I just had to know that the world can always go like your mind, even you do your best to make it. My friends said "don't be so naive irma!". And i realise that OMG that right HAHAHA. I've just realise that i'm so naive. One thing that i always belive in, that when we do good to people, we'll got a goog things for us. Be kind. you'll got kindness to. It is depply regretted, that so much negativity around me. since 2020, i know that there is no one i can trust, except me. And that became the greatest wound as well as fear. there is no place to lean on, not even just to share stories. and i'm used to it. accustomed to standing alone, keeping stories and a million thoughts alone (as ussual). a little crying, but i believe i'll be fine. not all the good that you give can return to bring good to you. But that doe...
Lately, i always have a same things that i think about what happen on my life. i always think about, is my life is useful enough ? specially, in this last 3 months, a lot of things happen on me. my fist experience to make proposal skripsi, this make a lot of mental health issue on me. i always do something, just thinking that 'I can make it' ; 'I can handle it' ; 'it's okay, it's gonna be fine'. i always think that i can make anything as well as i want. but it's all gone wrong. that's not going that easly. then i read a sentence on a book that i've bougth, it says "give all your worries to God, He will keep you safe in His arms". in that book, they said that. everythings that happen on the earth, is happen because of God. and if you don't ask to Him, you'll get nothing. so, do not rely on your own strength, for your strength is not because you are strong, but because God's mercy strengthens you.
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