Kosong -

Beta rasa semua orang pernah rasakan pasang surut, dan naik turun dalam hidup. tiap orang punya takaran masing-masing, dan punya ukuran kekuatan masing-masing. sering sekali sejak awal, beta rasakan kesusahan itu, dan ternyatan lewat. bahkan sekarang pun sama. rasanya kosong sekali. hampa. kelihatannya sia-sia. 

dan ternyata, disaat merasakan kekosongan itu, orang lain berproses jauh lebih cepat. kelihatannya begitu. yap, 'kelihatannya'. 

orang lain pikir kamu berproses dengan mudah, dengan gampang, padahal, more than that, there is tears, there is blood, there is more than you have to pay to pass that prosess. 
pain, hurt, sad, stress, stupid, felling down, any bad things that happen to you, they don't see that. they don't feel it. they don't know it. 

and also, you don't know their feeling, their mind, their pain, their strugrle. you don't even know what they do and how they pass that things. 

everybody has their own way. also you. you have your own process, your own way. take it, go that way with pray, with faith. perjuangan yang pahit pasti punya buah yang manis. 
Enjoy That Process dear !

James 1:12

"Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him."


Irma :)


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