
#30dayswrittingchalenge - Day 2

  Things that makes me Happy !  hello dear readers. we meet again in this second day of this 30 days writting challenge.  if you guys ask me abaout what things that makes me happy, there is so many things honestly, all about good food, good movie, good friends, good moment, good journey, good book, etc.  For now, things that makes me happy is when my plan going well just like what i've wish it for. lately, a few things, doesn't going well, just like what i've planed. and when it's happen, i've ended with blame my self caused of it.  now i allready prepared my self for my graduation, for my future job, also i have been doing things that hone my academic skills, like writting, reading news, and for now that is the tings that make me happy. when i can do my plan, just like the way it should be. No matter what the ressult is, the important things is that i've tried myy best for do that plans, and that is enough no matter it work or not. cheer up, caused you allready

#30dayswritingchallenge - Day 1

today i'm gonna describe my self based on my personal point of view, how i see my self as a daughter, as a girl, and as a student (for now).  i was born on 30th of septemberi 2000, in kupang city, wich is the only one city in  east nusa tenggara province. i am the eldest daughter of three. i have 2 sister, and both of them have now study for their diploma degree in nusa cendana univercity. my mom is a teacher, and my dad is a widyaiswara. we were lived in liliba, near to the imigration office.  now, i have a short black curly hair, and brown skin, with 158 cm tall, and 52 kg. i think i loved all earth tone collor, i also love bright collor, but if people ask me my favourite collor, i will say purple as my favourite collor. i also loved to watching movie, all genre's of movie, except the thriller movie, and psycopath movie, i don't really like anythings like murder, killer, blood, etc. i also love all disney movie, all disney princess, and ghibli studio movie. i do also real

Reminder 🎗️ [1]

Katedral Santa Perawan Maria Bogor-2024 I just realized that the blessings of the Lord Jesus are truly extraordinary. far from what humans think. A few days ago, I read a story in my Instagram about a girl who at a young age always tried to proclaim God's word, sing for God, and in several podcasts she said that she wanted to make her life for God. he wants to dedicate it to God. and what's extraordinary is that, in my opinion, many people are grateful for his presence. and in my own words, when I hear the song he wrote, it feels like 'Tuhan Yesus, terimakasih'. But that girl died at a young age, and apparently in his family, after she died, they had lost two daughters in the family. Then, i've just thinking , how hurt her parents were, especially his mother. and again I thought, Lord, how could You bring the deep sadness, and the sorrow among people who always glorify Your name? But then, there was her poadcarst in my Instagram feed who said that she belive in &q


 Lately, i always have a same things that i think about what happen on my life. i always think about, is my life is useful enough ?  specially, in this last 3 months, a lot of things happen on me. my fist experience to make proposal skripsi, this make a lot of mental health issue on me.  i always do something, just thinking that 'I can make it' ; 'I can handle it' ; 'it's okay, it's gonna be fine'. i always think that  i can make anything as well as i want. but it's all gone wrong. that's not going that easly. then i read a sentence on a book that i've bougth, it says "give all your worries to God, He will keep you safe in His arms". in that book, they said that. everythings that happen on the earth, is happen because of God. and if you don't ask to Him, you'll get nothing. so, do not rely on your own strength, for your strength is not because you are strong, but because God's mercy strengthens you. 

Kosong -

Beta rasa semua orang pernah rasakan pasang surut, dan naik turun dalam hidup. tiap orang punya takaran masing-masing, dan punya ukuran kekuatan masing-masing. sering sekali sejak awal, beta rasakan kesusahan itu, dan ternyatan lewat. bahkan sekarang pun sama. rasanya kosong sekali. hampa. kelihatannya sia-sia.  dan ternyata, disaat merasakan kekosongan itu, orang lain berproses jauh lebih cepat. kelihatannya begitu. yap, 'kelihatannya'.  orang lain pikir kamu berproses dengan mudah, dengan gampang, padahal, more than that, there is tears, there is blood, there is more than you have to pay to pass that prosess.  pain, hurt, sad, stress, stupid, felling down, any bad things that happen to you, they don't see that. they don't feel it. they don't know it.  and also, you don't know their feeling, their mind, their pain, their strugrle. you don't even know what they do and how they pass that things.  everybody has their own way. also you. you have your own proces

di 'Buat'

setelah banyak jalan dan keliling, baru sadar kalau makin kesini waktu yang dikasih tu sangat amat berharga, dan kepercayaan yang didapat juga sangat amat berharga. ketika sudah lewat waktunya, sulit lagi kamu dapat kesempatan yang sama dan momen yang sama untuk lakukan sesuatu.  orang bilang, kalau ada kesempatan langsung ambil. orang berhasil bukan karena apa-apa, tapi karena dia tau memanfaatkan momen dan kesempatan. ada yg datang momennya, tapi dia belum berkesempatan, ada yang data kesempatan, tapi dia tidak dapat momennya. ada yang bahkan sudah ada momen dan kesempatan, tapi tidak berani mengambilnya. takut. ragu-ragu. bodoh !. Fatal itu. lebih dari momen dan kesempatan, adalah keberanian. momen dan kesempatan itu bukan "Datang" tapi "diBuat", "diCiptakan".  -make it !-

another experience ~

again, i dont know how to express this felling.  another great experience, nice  moment, with thousand value of life.  sebagai praja, jelas saya belajar banyak hal. secara khsus pada moment ini. keluar dari zona nyaman, kenal dengan lingkungan baru, dapat pengalaman baru yang tidak pernah dilakukan sebelumnya. bertemu dengan banyak orang, dengan karakter dan kepribadian yang berbeda dan tidak dapat disamakan.  awalnya merasa ragu, apa iya akan cocok ? semoga baik-baik saja prosesnya. dan ternyata memang Tuhan baik !!!.  dengan penduduk kota tasikmalaya yang mostly, banyak menggunakan bahasa sunda, disini saya belajar banyak kosakata baru, kosakata bahasa sunda. punten, kelebet, namut KK, masih banyak lagi. kenal dan berinteraksi secara langsung dengan masyarakat, turun dan tau keadaan lapangan, dan sistem kerja republik ini, (kurang lebihnya).  dan yang paling berkesan adalah semua pengalaman ditempat baru ini. air terjun setinggi itu, ke gunung dengan posisi malam hari, pesiar sendiri