
Lately, i always have a same things that i think about what happen on my life. i always think about, is my life is useful enough ? specially, in this last 3 months, a lot of things happen on me. my fist experience to make proposal skripsi, this make a lot of mental health issue on me. i always do something, just thinking that 'I can make it' ; 'I can handle it' ; 'it's okay, it's gonna be fine'. i always think that i can make anything as well as i want. but it's all gone wrong. that's not going that easly. then i read a sentence on a book that i've bougth, it says "give all your worries to God, He will keep you safe in His arms". in that book, they said that. everythings that happen on the earth, is happen because of God. and if you don't ask to Him, you'll get nothing. so, do not rely on your own strength, for your strength is not because you are strong, but because God's mercy strengthens you.